Play Ideas24

Looking for project ideas to practice React? Great, you have landed on the right place. Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Tic Tac Toe

    A simple tic tac toe game in which two players seek in alternate turns to complete a row, a column, or a diagonal with either three O's or three X's drawn in the spaces of a grid of nine squares


  • Code Snippets

    A collection of code snippets which allows you to copy paste your code snippet and lets you to download it as an image to share!


  • Weather App

    A weather play which shows the current weather and the forecast for the next 5 days


  • Calculator

    A simple calculator which can perform basic arithmetic operations


  • To Do List

    A simple to do list play which allows you to add, delete and edit your to do list


  • Note Taker

    A simple note taker play which allows you to add, delete and edit your notes


  • Calendar

    A simple calendar play which allows you to add, delete and edit your events


  • Threads

    Build a react application for creating threads like in Twitter with a model, allowing multiple threads, tweet size constraints, and display them on the home page.


  • Animations

    Build a react application for creating animations like in Twitter with a model, allowing multiple animations, animation size constraints, and display them on the home page.


  • React Editor

    Build an Editor for users to type texts and do formatting like bold, italic, underline, alignments, and strikethrough.


  • Chatter

    Build a chat application for users to chat with each other. This project doesn't use any bots.


  • GitHub User Search

    Build a react application for searching GitHub users.


  • T-Rex Chrome dino game

    T-Rex Dinosaur - a replica of the hidden game from Chrome offline mode. Build the same using React.


  • GitHub Issue Pages

    Build a React application to clone the GitHub issue page for a repository.


  • Quiz App

    Build a React application for a quiz play. The quiz should have multiple questions and multiple answers.


  • 2048 Game

    2048 is a single-player sliding tile puzzle video game. Build the same using React.


  • QA Site

    Build a Question/Answer site like StackOverflow, using React.


  • Language translator

    Build a React application for translating text from one language to another. Please use an existing API.


  • Infinite News Feed

    Build a play for infinite scrolling news feed.


  • Expense Tracker

    Build a play for tracking expenses. Add, remove, edit expenses, categorize them


  • Animations Portfolio

    Build a Portfolio made with react by framer-motion. Projects, Portfolio Section, Skills & Experience, Companies you work in with carousel, and Contacts.


  • Personal Profile Card

    A Personal Profile Card have name, description, cover, profile photo and social links


  • Image Gallery

    Build a responsive image gallery with search functionality by using Unsplash free API.


  • Color Guess Game

    Build a Color Guess Game that you can give the user a color and he will choose from 6 squares + there are two levels Hard and Easy, Easy has 3 squares and hard has 6 squares.
